Opposing housing development won’t help overcrowding when council teammates vote ‘yes’, writes M. Proskow.

Opposing housing development won’t help overcrowding when council teammates vote ‘yes’, writes M. Proskow.

LETTERS: Not a solution to simply vote ‘no’


Coun. Dave Woods’ proclamation that he will not support new S. Surrey development shows the best and worst of our elected officials


Surrey Coun. Dave Woods’ recent proclamation that he will not be supporting any new development in South Surrey until the ‘school situation’ is resolved shows the best and worst of our elected officials.

Woods made his blanket statement during the June 27 council meeting (Small crowd stalls housing, June 29). Presumably, Woods is responding to recent criticism regarding the rampant new development in Surrey.

At issue are schools. Existing schools are at – or over – capacity, with no means to accommodate more students.

The good news is Woods’ comments suggest he is aware of the issue, however his grandstanding does not change a single thing for parents with children living in Surrey.

Couns. Woods and colleague Judy Villeneuve reportedly oppose more than double the development proposals as any one of their colleagues (Woods and Villeneuve top opposition on Surrey council, May 20).

Woods’ shameless politicking on the back of an issue that is near and dear to moms and dads everywhere is appalling.

Mayor Linda Hepner and her Surrey First-dominated council will continue with their rampant development agenda while doing absolutely nothing to address the myriad of problems facing the city.

Woods, for his part, can proudly stand on the side of opposition. It won’t change anything, but it sounds good.

M. Proskow, Surrey



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