

LETTERS: Not an expression to be used in 2020

Term's use shows lack of respect for the Indigenous peoples of Canada


April Lewis’ recent Zoomer column, published Sept. 17, starts with two revealing sentences.

“September is here and it promises to be an I——n Summer. Oh dear, are we allowed to say that anymore?”

No one said these words. Lewis wrote the words in her article, printed by the Peace Arch News. To use this term in today’s world shows a total lack of respect for the Indigenous peoples of Canada.

It also shows a lack of understanding of how society is changing. This is a term that should never have been used. And to ask the question “are we allowed to say that anymore,” indicates that Lewis knows this is not a term to be used in 2020.

These two sentences reveal Lewis to be a person living in a white privileged world where Queen Victoria is on the throne and where everyone knows their place.

Ian Routledge, White Rock

Peace Arch News