LETTERS: Not the place for dog walkers


Re: Archaic rule over dogs, July 10 letters.


Re: Archaic rule over dogs, July 10 letters.

As a former owner of many dogs and a daily walker at White Rock beach, I have to write to voice my disagreement with the comments made by letter-writer Sue Ozero.

The White Rock promenade is no place for dogs.

I agree that most dog owners do clean up after their pets. However absent-minded owners, with their dogs on retractable leashes, are a menace to others trying to enjoy a stroll along the promenade.

I am tired of being expected to watch out for dogs on leash, people with their eyes down while texting and others who seem unwilling to share common space in any number of public venues.

I applaud the city for sticking to their guns and recognizing that we all are entitled to enjoy the waterfront without the dogs.

I would also be willing to venture that, if they could speak, most dogs would ask their owners to not put them through the stress of having to fight with crowds of people when all the dog would like is a peaceful walk.

Is the letter writer aware of the dog beach available to her pet at Crescent Beach?

Ron Crawford, White Rock



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