Letters: Now is the time

Letter writer congratulates the newly elected District of Sooke mayor and council.

Mayor Wendal Milne, Councillors Herb Haldane, Bev Berger, Rick Kasper, Maja Tait, Kerrie Reay, Kevin Pearson,

Welcome to our newly elected mayor and council. The election is now over, fall/winter is in the air and to you I say the following, with absolute respect regarding the administrative staff of the District of Sooke and previous councils, forward into the future is the direction to go and now is where we always find ourselves, because of the past. Respect all.

The community of the District of Sooke is magnificent and is in the now of developing. I look forward to your “seated in office look” at becoming even more aware of what we (DOS) have and how it was built meticulously from the ground up, as is the same for every new council.

I am also positive we will communicate over the next three years as I am retired and I so volunteer myself to the community.

For clarity and transparency. I’m Moonfist-Myke Colbert, a guy who has been dedicating chunks of myself for almost four years to the community. Safety and beautification to roads, parks, schools… I do more, I teach, I am holistic, I listen and I talk.

Blessings and health be with you all.

Sifu Moonfist-Myke Colbert Sooke Moon


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