Watering lawns or washing driveways not a responsible way to use the city’s drinking water supply, writes Janice Miller. File Photo

LETTERS: Now is the time to start conserving drinking water

Washing driveways, watering lawns not responsible ways to use precious commodity


Residents of White Rock, please remember we are on well water – the best, I might say.

Please stop watering that brown patch of grass with our drinking water.

Water plants and trees, but stop cleaning your driveways with our drinking water. For heaven’s sake use a broom.

We have just been through a rough heat wave and summer has only just begun. If water restrictions come about, you may be the first ones crying and complaining.

Use common sense and stop wasting our clean water on ridiculous tasks.

Does anyone remember the past serious water restrictions that had to be put in place? Start thinking about others now.

Janice Miller, White Rock

Peace Arch News