Letters: Obey the speed limit

Writer thinks drivers on Highway 14 are too reckless

I have lived in Sooke for the past three years and I am shocked at how many people drive recklessly on the Sooke Highway into town at 5:30 a.m.

I commute to work everyday at this time and it is to a point that I am extremely frustrated by the time I arrive at work.  The speed limit on the highway is 60 kph. Why do people not get that?  There is wildlife on the highway at any given time and if you add snow or rain in the mix, you have a potential deadly situation, not to mention the oncoming transport trucks on this dark twisty highway.  Personally I don’t have the best night driving vision but I can do just fine when I do the speed limit.  I time my communte to exactly all of the above factors so that I can arrive safe.

This morning there was a couple of drivers who flashed their high beams and honked their horns because I was doing 65 km and 60 on the turns.

One little red car who communtes in the morning is extremely pushy and I would like to ask the Sooke RCMP to possible step up the patrol of this dangerous highway in the mornings to remind these ignorant drivers to get it together before they cause a potentially fatal situation.

Frustrated in Sooke.

Donna Farrell


Sooke News Mirror