Letters of the week- March 1

I believe that the best thing that could be done now, to cut costs, is to scrap all plans for a restaurant at McLean Mill......

Scrap restaurant at mill

To the editor,

Re: McLean Mill’s new board of management.

I believe that the best thing that could be done now, to cut costs, is to scrap all plans for a restaurant at McLean Mill before any more money is spent on ventilation, septic or whatever. Sell the restaurant equipment that is already there for whatever it will bring and move forward.

Maybe someone with a food truck could be persuaded to go out there. In my opinion, that is all that will be required in the foreseeable future.

Ted Maurice

Port Alberni


Valentines surprise thank you

To the editor,

The wife and I would like to thank everyone involved with running the Alberni Valley News’ Valentine’s Contest for 2017.We would like to thank our daughter-in law Karen for submitting our names into the contest (unbeknownst to us), also the gift card from Orestes Restaurant for a dinner for two, a huge box of mixed chocolates from Coombs Country Candy and a nice display of flowers from Azaleas Flowers. You all made our day special.

Thank you all.

Betty and Ron Sparrow

Port Alberni


Making Port Alberni beautiful

To the Editor,

While I applaud the Rotary Banner Project to beautify Port Alberni, more needs to be done.

How about a grassroots campaign where every able body picks up the trash that lines all of our streets? Let’s get a ground swell moving to take civic pride in our city / neighbourhoods by eliminating the litter on our streets.

(If you don’t know what litter I’m talking about, go for a walk around your block. Chances of you finding litter will be quite good).

Perhaps the city could supply a lot more garbage bins throughout the high pedestrian areas. Or, crazy idea, those with community service conditions to fulfill could be assigned litter patrol.

Let’s start from the ground up to help our town be beautiful.

Keely Conley

Port Alberni


Protect our borders

To the editor,

Justin Trudeau’s irresponsible extended invitation to immigrants following the U.S. traveling bans continues to reveal him as unfit in his role as Canada’s Commander in Chief. Protecting our borders should be his first priority. The Americans didn’t put their Republicans in power and spin their country around on a whim. For the same reason the Brits rejected the European Union, we cannot be gullible. My ancestors paid the price for Canada’s foundational truths. I’d be mortified to show them how politically correct bullying has been allowed to degrade these principles and my birthright. Supporting our American cousins in this reflection of sovereign sanctity and safety is not only vital, but good business.

Brock Turner

Chatham, ON


Plenty have seen gates closed

To the editor,

On CHEK News, Chris Alemany is quoted as saying, “Never seen that gate closed in my entire life, ever.”

Maybe he has never seen that [Island Timberlands] gate [near Loon Lake] closed but hundreds of others have seen that gate closed when the gate is closed at various times during the forest fire season. Amazing what a person says when they get to have a opportunity to be on TV.

Joe Sawchuk



Mudpacks and eggs

To the editor,

It’s difficult to believe the BC Premier could be so downright dishonest that she would accuse the BC NDP opposition party of hacking her Liberal party’s website without having a shred of evidence to backup her dastardly claim. Therefore, there must be another explanation. Perhaps Christy Clark simply wanted some extra publicity before launching her own line of facial makeup products, as social-climbing celebrities often do. Perhaps she has discovered that for her a true and natural look can better be achieved, not by throwing a mudpack here or there, but rather by smearing egg all over her face.

Lloyd Atkins

Vernon, B.C.


Alberni Valley News