
LETTERS: Officers’ response to break-in made a bad event more bearable

CPO support made a difference on an upsetting and challenging day


We had a break-in at our apartment building in South Surrey on July 9. Two RCMP Community Police officers from the Semiahmoo Detachment arrived to see the security cameras and view the area of break-in.

They were thorough and courteous.

To our surprise, they returned later that day and with big smiles, said they had caught the thief, who still had many of the stolen items with him. They had recognized him from our security cameras.

Residents were delighted as the officers handed over stolen mail, a bicycle, a wagon and other items.

The support of the two officers made a big difference to an upsetting and challenging day.

Bonnie Gillis, Chris and Anne Hartnell, South Surrey

Peace Arch News