LETTERS: Officer’s role to remain neutral


Re: Tory offensive over elections, April 15 letters.


Re: Tory offensive over elections, April 15 letters.

Letter-writer Ian Routledge is dead wrong when he suggests officers of Parliament, such as chief electoral officer Marc Maynard, should “debate” issues with parliamentarians. Maynard’s precise role is to enact the wishes of Parliament with complete neutrality.

Maynard spent millions in the last election in a failed attempt to “get out the youth vote” – read Liberal/NDP – and actively campaigned for such nonsense as allowing veiled Muslim women to vote.

The left is outraged that some common sense is being introduced into Canadian elections to avoid election fraud. What sort of idiot does not have the wits to obtain any one of the 40 different forms of ID required to vote at advance polls or election day, as required by the new government bill?

Paul Griffin, Surrey





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