Letters: On global warming

Writer talks about the melting of glaciers and global warming

Hey Grade six students – if you take some basic facts that are readily available, you will find from the maximum of ice in the Ice Age, at 23,000 years before Christ, to the agreed upon “end” of the Ice Age at 8,000 years before Christ, the glaciers retreated about 1,500 kms in 15,000 years.

This is 100 metres of ice a year, melting; that’s about 300 feet a year; almost a foot of glacier melting back in one day, every day for 15,000 years.

Well kids; in this, the age of reason – “the Ironic Age”, public thinkers are announcing warnings in the mass media, that modern glaciers are now retreating at the unsettling rate, the “alarming” rate of 1.5 feet per year.

Does this sound like global warming to you?

No – This is hysteria; where nobody can think.

N.E. MacNab


Sooke News Mirror