LETTERS: Opportunity knocked

LETTERS: Opportunity knocked

Editor: Re: PAN online poll , Jan. 26 to Feb. 1; Watts quiet on plans, Feb. 7.


Re: PAN online poll, Jan. 26 to Feb. 1.

You asked: “Should the BC Liberals choose former Surrey mayor/MP Dianne Watts as their leader?”

Absolutely not. She succeeded in her bid for a federal seat and did nothing – as a Conservative! How could she expect to have credibility as a Liberal party leader? What an opportunist.

Imagine how her Conservative constituents feel now.

A. Matches, Surrey

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Re: Watts quiet on plans, Feb. 7.

For all Dianne Watts’ political savvy and vision, she miscalculated the wrath of the BC Liberals’ inner circle.

Watts was approached by the BC Liberals’ pre-election committee to join their team and run for public office. She refused. This obviously did not sit well with the incumbents and party grass roots.

This was her opportunity to be a part of the team win or lose.

The rest is history. Politics is timing; she missed the boat.

Orvis Noel, Surrey

Peace Arch News