Letters: Oyster farm will infringe

Proposed oyster farm in Sooke Basin will not benefit residents

The proposed oyster farm for the Sooke Basin has been presented with not much information for residents of Sooke and district, in particular with regard to the impact on those who use the basin for recreation and on those who own businesses, homes and properties on the shore.

The basin is the only sheltered water available to the residents of Sooke.

It has enormous recreational potential as is evidenced by the increasing number of kayaks and sailboats to be seen on the basin.

The basin is also notable for its natural beauty and its appeal to residents and visitors alike. It is a natural resource that has value to Sooke as it grows into a larger centre, one that will rely heavily on the tourist trade.

In addition to infringement on the rights of current users and property owners, the proposed farm, which will occupy a large area of the basin, has the potential to impact negatively on many aspects of the advantages that body of water and the surrounding shores has to offer for future development.

In this regard, and with due respect to the wishes of the T’Sou-ke First Nation, I hope local residents,  the mayor and council, and the Chamber of Commerce, will look carefully at this proposal and seek far more information as to its  impact on current usage and future development.

Garth Gilligan


Sooke News Mirror