LETTERS: Park user is looking for a place absent of dogs

After so many unpleasant experiences with dogs and their owners, I do want to go someplace else ... no dogs allowed.

Letter writer (Jan 18/17) Sherry Lynne Easthom has, unwittingly, agreed with me.

She and her dogs are very happy at Cy Hampson Park, thank you very much, so why don’t I just move along someplace else.

That is precisely the point of my letter.

After so many unpleasant experiences with dogs and their owners, I do want to go someplace else, a tranquil park for nature and people, no dogs allowed.

Where can I find such a place?

I believe it is high time that there are some options for people who are fed up with the aggravation they experience going to parks where dogs are allowed, because they are everywhere.

The U.K. is a country that loves their dogs but they have realized that there needs to be a balance.  They have some parks in which dogs are banned.

There is no balance here. You don’t like it, go someplace else.

But there is no place else. That is precisely what I want — I, and many other people who have been cowed into silence and don’t go to parks anymore, want someplace else to go, our own “match made in heaven.”

The problem is that “dog people” want it all.

They aren’t willing to share “their dog parks” unless it’s on their terms, to allow other parks, or even just a portion of a park, to be set aside for no dogs (case in point — Island View Beach).

Why are my tax dollars going to parks for them to enjoy, but I have been told to go “elsewhere?”

It’s about time there is an option for those who don’t want to constantly be accosted by dogs.

There are many of us; our only failure is that we are not organized into a loud and vocal lobby, as the dog people are.

Any takers?

Claire Bouchard, North Saanich

Peninsula News Review