Letters: Patience and respect needed

Impatient motorists are ill-mannered towards VE Day parade

While today’s little 10 minute parade of the Battle of Atlantic is fresh in my mind, I have to point out a few things that I find very disrespectful.

Twice a year, there are two short parades in town. November 11 and the first Sunday in May for the Battle of Atlantic.  Both parades are in remembrance for those sacrifices made in the Canadian Forces from WWI to present.  Both parades happen every year, and both parades contain military personnel… active and veterans. Both parades stop traffic at the intersections at the exit of the Evergreen shopping mall, the intersection of Otter Point and West Coast Road, and the turn to Eustace Road.  To start to finish, the parades are approximately 10 minutes long.

Here is the issue. Traffic and grumpy people.  Today, nobody was around to stop the traffic. Traffic continued while the parade is marching through.  Not cool Sooke!  Not cool at all.

If average Joe citizen decided to step up and stop traffic they would then endure insults and inpatient people. I have seen this happen. More than once. Even those that do have the authority, such as an RCMP member, still get insulted and horns blare and tires squeal with inpatient grumpy citizens.

Why don’t we have some people booked every year to do traffic control? These parades should not be a surprise anymore.

It is 10 minutes.  Stop and give thanks. Even if you personally don’t agree with what the CF stands for today, it is because of the CF that you have that choice to disagree. Give those members and their families their due respect. Please.

Your impatience could harm somebody that is respecting the parade and its ideals.  Lots of young kids and pets come and see.

I hope to see an improvement come November 11 2015. You have six months to prepare.  From 10:45-10:55 the road will be busy. Find another route if you need to leave town.

Kathie Dierk


Sooke News Mirror