The first leg of the Lake to Lake bike lane in Penticton opened on Sunday, Aug. 1.

Letters: Penticton council places bike lanes above public safety

Council has no issue spending money on bike lanes but not on safety of its citizens


Penticton has one of the highest per capita crime rates in the country.

Coun. Julius Bloomfield who voted against adding five more police officers states that the cost of the increase, reportedly in the vicinity of $1.5 million, is prohibitively expensive.

That is absurd. Penticton is spending upwards of $16 million on bicycle lanes.

The entire city council is a disgrace for relegating the issue of public safety and law and order to a place lower than that of bicycle lanes.

John Ansara




Well folks, Penticton has just been tagged with the worst crime rates in the Okanagan. Our police officers have the highest case average in the province, and what has our city council done about it? We got a $8 million bike lane shoved down our throats, metered parking downtown and a $300k lawyer bill to try to put 42 more homeless people on the street.

The Mayor has called a special meeting to look to add five more officers, which can take up to 16 months to arrive, if approved. A little too late John don’t you think? Our current Council and Mayor are so out of touch it’s embarrassing. Can’t wait for election day. Just saying.

Mark Franks


Penticton Western News