Letters: People in Sooke create the warmth

Experience in local cafe showed friendliness in Sooke

Here’s what I love about living in Sooke.  I went up for my favorite supper at Mom’s today (Ivanator burger, no bun, strawberry/rhubarb pie heated up with ice cream).  The place was packed with tourists and Sooke regulars.  Several tourists at different tables ordered pie — when their sky high apple wonders arrived they were overwhelmed, and the Mom’s staff and Sooke regulars laughed and joshed with them.

You know that feeling when you are in an unfamiliar place and the locals talk to you like you’re a part of things?  This is the kind of experience that brings people back to a place.  Not some government funded tourism palaver or focus group filtered corporate message, but the genuine friendliness and openness of a real community.

Those visitors felt a warm welcome, you could just see it.

Way to go, Sooke.

Nancy Davies



Sooke News Mirror