LETTERS: People need more information on micro-cells

I, too, am disappointed that the Peninsula News Review chose not to write an article about them.

You have recently been corresponding with a friend of mine about the mini-cellphone towers (also called micro-cells) that are being installed on existing telephone poles.

I, too, am disappointed that the Peninsula News Review chose not to write an article about them.

The mini-cells seem innocuous at first glance and that is exactly what the telecom companies are wanting us to believe. But each mini-cell is powerful in itself and if enough are placed together on a pole, it is akin to having a large cellphone tower next to your home.

Cellphone towers are unsightly, can negatively impact our health and are not good for property values. This new smaller technology makes them appear benign. They are not.

Hundreds of thousands, if not millions, of people in North America are standing together with respected research scientists who are condemning the over-use of wireless technology on our continent.

You, too, can become informed, but more importantly you can inform Peninsula residents of the dangers posed by wireless technology. We need less of it — not more.

Lia Fraser, Victoria

Peninsula News Review