LETTERS: Persistence, perseverance


Re: ‘I can’t seem to get a straight answer from the city,’ Aug. 5.


Re: ‘I can’t seem to get a straight answer from the city,’ Aug. 5.

Victoria Avenue resident David Bradshaw’s frustration over the Marine Drive project highlights lack of accountability at all levels of White Rock City.

It raises a number of questions: Does the council just rubber stamp anything that is presented by the city ‘experts’? Is the city manager informed of all the questions and concerns raised by the residents?

Do the planning and engineering departments talk to each other?

Who is responsible for ensuring that the residents receive prompt responses to their concerns?

Is the council not elected to ensure that the city represents its residents?

I wrote a number of emails regarding this project to the city, including the mayor, and was disappointed that all my questions were not answered.

In fact, some emails did not receive a timely response until I expressed my frustration.

The residents of White Rock should be as persistent as Bradshaw to ensure that the city is held accountable.

It is disappointing to observe such poor performance when we read that the council gave itself a raise. We need better results from the city officials who earn huge salaries.

Aroon Shah, White Rock



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