Aaron Hinks photoWhite Rock resident Stephan Mckeever writes that the city should give consideration to a proposal to jump a motorcycle over the break in the pier as an opportunity to help pay for its repair.

Aaron Hinks photoWhite Rock resident Stephan Mckeever writes that the city should give consideration to a proposal to jump a motorcycle over the break in the pier as an opportunity to help pay for its repair.

LETTERS: Pier jump would be boon to White Rock

An open letter to White Rock mayor and council

An open letter to White Rock mayor and council

Were you around the Peninsula in 2006 when we suffered a major storm, which caused flooding and closed our ravines for years? Some trails are still not accessible.

Here we have an opportunity to raise some funds to help with the massive rebuild of our pier and waterfront.

Has council ever seen on YouTube or TV, some of these huge stunts performed – jumps like Snake River, the Grand Canyon, and recent jump over Caesars Palace fountain in Las Vegas.

As long as the promoter is covering all insurance costs and all other related costs, including security, construction and clean-up, it seems ridiculous to turn it down without a major review. We would of course expect a percentage of the profit, including TV and other media coverage and a large up-front fee in case of cancellation.

Mayor Walker, I thought you and your council were forward-thinkers. Prove it. I am 77 years old and would love to once again walk my pier and waterfront, before it is too late. Hey, seniors, back me on this one.

Stephen Mckeever, White Rock

Peace Arch News