LETTERS: Positive speech


Re: Stammering through to observe the niceties, May 22 column.


Re: Stammering through to observe the niceties, May 22 column.

I am a PWS (person who stutters) and really enjoyed the guest column by high school student Emily Fenton.

While I share some of her same experiences with stuttering, I must say she has a unique and innovative attitude about her speech problem.

I think that one of Fenton’s messages was that people who stutter, as well as most people with any handicap, enjoy being treated as regular people and not as handicapped people.

If only people were aware of the famous people who stutter, the views on stuttering would be more in the mainstream. An extensive list of famous people who stutter is on the website of the Stuttering Foundation (www.stutteringhelp.org). The site provides many free resources and the non-profit organization has a toll-free number in Canada at 1-800-992-9392.

Laura Palmer, Houston, Texas



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