Letters: Pressure the province

Highway 14 should be rebuilt to help prevent accidents

Thursday’s horrendous motor vehicle accident once more points to the vulnerability of Sooke and communities to  the west when Highway 14 is blocked, in this case for four hours.

There are blockages almost on a weekly basis for varying periods of time and highlights   the inadequacy of Highway 14.

Of course there are those who say that there is nothing wrong with the highway, all one has to do is drive at the posted speed.

They may be correct however the reality is that accidents have, do and will occur and as Sooke continues to grow, the frequency will increase.

The status quo reasoning fails to take into account that this poorly lit, twisting highway is the main,  if one ignores the Port Renfrew to Cowichan route,  and the only corridor for those going to and returning from work; going to the ferry and airport or simply doing business east of 17 Mile.

As a frequent traveler both domestically and internationally, I am now giving serious consideration to checking into a Victoria hotel the day before traveling in order to make plane or ferry connections however that may not be an option for everyone.

It is well past time that serious and sustained pressure should be applied to the Ministry of Transport and the provincial government to begin the process of rebuilding Highway 14 to make it passable when there is a serious motor vehicle accident.

After all the provincial government is spending millions of dollars telling us how great they are (not)-perhaps those wasted dollars could be more usefully spent on Highway 14.

D. R. Matland


Sooke News Mirror