Letters: Private not public money

Proposal for an arts centre should not include taxpayers' money

I support the concept of an arts group, and multi-groups looking to purchase property for multiple uses. I would like to see them all come together, as I am sure council would too. I do not think the taxpayer should be footing the bill to purchase the property. Again, the intent is to fix it up with volunteers and to maintain it. At what cost? What is the business plan? Who has money to pay the rent? What of the loss of the commercial tax for the property to the district? The request included a P2 zoning, which is public.

This is a good idea but the group needs to find a benefactor other than the taxpayer. This request needs to be tabled until the vision for Sooke is completed.

We, in the farming community need a properly zoned area to allow chicken swaps, auctions and more farm-related activities which build community spirit and unity.

We also need to encourage employment attached to forestry, fishing and mining. We have many opportunities in Sooke and region which need to be cultivated so we can create, through the private sector, meaningful employment, rather than only service industry positions. It is a difficult situation  for councils all over the country.  We need strong people to make firm decisions and council’s strategic plan to be fiscally responsible first, needs to be held to.

We live in a beautiful area, don’t tax us so much that we have to leave the area or drive miles for employment and not be able to enjoy our families and where we live.

Ellen Lewers


Sooke News Mirror