South Surrey artist Jens Skolleborg suggests this ‘comfort station is one of the last if its kind in the Fraser Valley.

South Surrey artist Jens Skolleborg suggests this ‘comfort station is one of the last if its kind in the Fraser Valley.

LETTERS: ‘Progress’ obliterating our past


This ‘comfort station’ on 20 Avenue is probably one of the last of its kind remaining in the valley.


This ‘comfort station’ on 20 Avenue is probably one of the last of its kind remaining in the valley, but it won’t be there for long as ‘progress’ obliterates the quaint structures of a bygone era at a fast pace.

My drawings of the surrounding area was featured in your paper some 30 years ago under the heading, Glimpses of our fading history.

Most of them are gone now.


Jens Skolleborg, Surrey



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