Letters: Prohibition creates gateway

More discussion on marijuana prohibition and gateway theory

Ted Dever is seriously misinformed (Letter: “The Gateway Theory”, Feb. 22, 2012); even prohibitionist government studies historically discredit the ‘gateway’ theory.

Cannabis (marijuana) prohibition causes higher hard drug addiction rates because (among numerous other reasons) citizens purchase cannabis from people who often also sell hard drugs, creating the real ‘gateway theory.’

Once cannabis is re-legalized, people will be able to purchase cannabis with out coming into contact with hard drugs.  So, in supporting cannabis prohibition, Ted Dever, may actually be responsible for increasing hard drug addiction rates.

It’s commendable to keep youth away from cannabis and hard drugs but incarcerating adults for using the extremely popular and relatively safe plant is the wrong way to do it.

Stan White

Dillon, Colorado

Sooke News Mirror