

LETTERS: Province has perennial problem with portables

Once again, smoke came out of my ears at the blather about portables


Re: We asked, they answered, Oct. 15

It was interesting to read the candidates’ responses to your set of questions. As a former educator I was, of course, drawn to the question about education.

Once again, smoke came out of my ears at the blather about portables and building schools.

In the 1970s I taught at an elementary with eight portables. In the late ’90s I taught in a secondary school with 23 portables. In fact, the year it opened, that school had eight portables.

There were several governments between the ’70s and the 2000s, but nothing will change until the idiot rule of “bums in the seats” changes.

For decades now, that is the “explanation” given with a shrug and a sigh. “Well, you know, the government says we have to have the bodies before we get the school.”

So the school is built for the bodies present in whatever year the money is granted, and by the time the school is built, it comes with eight to 10 portables.

It seems mandated in British Columbia that we do not build for the future, but spend years complaining and blaming.

Michèle McManus, White Rock

Peace Arch News