LETTERS: Put daycare in a realistic area

We want a daycare of this proportion to be located in a realistic area that works for everyone.

The daycare question in the Reader’s Poll in the Penticton Western News did get a resounding ‘yes’ last week.

People say they got a good chuckle out of this. Sad that they are so unaffected by this issue that will cause others such upheaval in their lives.

The poll is unofficial and I wonder where all of these voters live?

They are very likely relieved that this facility will not be situated next door to them although working days would definitely be to their advantage.

What about if you work shifts?  Be truthful and answer this question. Would you truly be okay with a 20 – 25 child preschool daycare put next door to you?

How about a dog kennel daycare of the same size?

This is a real possibility.

No, you say? Can someone really get that passed by council?

This would be about the same noise level as a daycare of the proposed size. Neighbourhoods are in danger of becoming more and more commercialized. Not just ours but each and every neighbourhood is at risk once council starts changing zoning, with the quick stroke of their pen.

As suggested by one writer, we are not a bunch of old farts that hate children.  Another letter to the editor states seniors enjoy watching children. Sure, a few at a time!

We want a daycare of this proportion to be located in a realistic area that works for everyone.

Lenora and Don Robson




Penticton Western News