Letters: Put new Pitt park by city hall

I’m happy that South Bonson residents don’t want the centennial park.

Editor, The News:

Re: No home for Pitt centennial garden (The News, April 23).

I’m happy that South Bonson residents don’t want the centennial park. A better location would not be in MacLean Park or hidden under the Pitt River Bridge, making it impractical for the majority. The place where the most people would enjoy it would be in the area of city hall.

There is sufficient area close to it. Level the hill and put the garden there and transplant the bigger trees to ground level. Add a few park benches and nice walkway, as well as concrete pads that can be imprinted with various designs, at first plain ones that can be replaced in the future with imprints of important milestones for Pitt Meadows.

The park could also be located where, if or when, a new pool is built. This area is the most central and most used place and makes sense.

Annette Code

Pitt Meadows


Maple Ridge News