LETTERS: Quality events already here


Re: Summer concert series coming to White Rock, June 12.


Re: Summer concert series coming to White Rock, June 12.

I am not terribly impressed with the new marketing plan put out by Douglas Smith, executive director of the White Rock BIA, in partnership with the City of White Rock, with regards to the “new look” for White Rock celebrations.

I am appreciative of the efforts being made to bring “high-profile local recording artists and emerging stars of the B.C indie music scene” to our White Rock stage, but Smith’s comments like “the days of doing small events are over”, and that he is “focused on providing regional events of really high quality” seem to negate the fact White Rock has successful, high-quality, regional events already.

To put it in perspective, as a volunteer in this community for several different organizations, I know first hand the amount of time, effort and volunteer hours it takes to put on a first-class festival – note Sea Festival, Diwali Festival, Moon Festival and the annual White Rock Blues Society Challenge, to name a few, all showcasing exceptional talent while operating on small budgets.

Smith, on the other hand, receives a salary from the BIA.

The City of White Rock and BIA should leave their egos at home and not downplay the huge efforts of all the many musical and cultural happenings in Our City by the Sea, as, in the end, the general public will have the final say.

Gini VanDer Meulen, Surrey



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