LETTERS: RCMP not the right fit for Surrey

LETTERS: RCMP not the right fit for Surrey



Re: More to cost of new city force, Dec. 28 letters.

I read with great interest the political attack on the Safe Surrey “slate” in the comments of Les Murrell.

The truth of the matter is the RCMP has digressed to being the Walmart of policing compared to other agencies. I found some comments poorly informed, having been a police constable in my younger years.

The RCMP is a poorly managed paramilitary organization, not fine-tuned for community policing. In the city of Surrey they provide reactionary and not proactive policing.

The RCMP has had its fair share of female harassment court actions. Who knows what the associated costs of these the city of Surrey is paying out on.

If you look as well at the members charged in the Surrey Six matter (ongoing) what does this tell us about the RCMP management, morals and professional standards?

Regarding Hudson Brook, getting to the charges in the shooting was like dragging a Buick up hill in a gravel parking lot.

The modest marginal monetary increase to have our own police force locally governed by a police board, and not Ottawa, would benefit us all.

As for the vetting that will come, yes, some RCMP members may qualify to stay, some will retire and the others will be relocated across Canada. Many excellent police officers with more time on the job will seize the opportunity to move, and will be sourced from the likes of Edmonton, Calgary and other Canadian jurisdictions.

The RCMP is truly geared for the enforcement of federal statutes, crime labs and other special details. They are not geared to be general-duty members as street cops in a densely populated community.

Rural policing would fit for the RCMP well.

Ron Eves, Surrey

Peace Arch News