LETTERS: Re: Fires a result of human-caused climate change (Letters, May 11)

As long as there have been forests and lighting, there have been wildfires - it has nothing to do with humans.

According to Arthur Entlich, climate should never change, because it causes wildfires. And the whole climate change catastrophe is all our fault and how dare anyone express differing opinions than the paranoid climate change Cassandras.

Well, in this free country I will dare to express my opinion on man-made climate change and call it for the bull crap that it is; a fantastic piece of political nonsense. If Entlich prefers to stick to the experts, then which experts? So-called “Internet inventor” Al Gore, who predicted Manhattan would be submerged in water by now in his Powerpoint presentation? The same experts that predicted we were headed towards the next ice age during the 1970s due to the same greenhouse gases causing global warming in the ‘90s? Except now they call it climate change to play it safe, because the earth has not been warming since 2000.

Maybe Arthur would like to Google climategate or learn about the medieval warm period and mini ice age. This “man-made climate change” theory implying that “climate is never supposed to change” is pseudo-science, just a fantastic piece of political nonsense aimed at controlling people. As long as there have been forests and lightning, there have been wildfires – it has nothing to do with us.

But maybe if we all pay a carbon tax, the sun will behave itself, because it is the activity of the sun that changes our climate. Maybe if we change our ways, lightning will stop causing wildfires. Or maybe it is all bull crap?

Andre Mollon


Goldstream News Gazette