LETTERS: Reactions vary to school funds


Re: Grandview high school set for 2020, May 25.


Friday’s announcement of $100 million towards Surreys schools is appreciated by the advocacy of so many people (Grandview high school set for 2020, May 25).

Starting with residents of Surrey, parents groups, parent advisory committees, MLAs, MPs, Mayor Linda Hepner and council, Superintendent Tinney, secretary-treasurer Wayne Noye, ministers and the Surrey school trustees, this truly was a collaborative effort of Surrey’s entire community coming together for a common cause.

It truly proves that in this case, it definitely ‘took a village’ to secure funding for our most precious asset, our children.

Laurie Larsen, Surrey trustee

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As photo-ops go, last Friday’s one was not a success. Premier Christy Clark and BC Liberal MLAs were awkwardly crammed in a classroom announcing three new schools for Surrey. Where was the mega-watt smile the premier usually has for these events? The MLA for Surrey/White Rock, Gordon Hogg, couldn’t summon up a smile at all.

Is it so distasteful for the BC Liberals to do their job, fund and support public education? And did we need the mini-lecture on economic growth that went with the announcement? Surrey has been behind in education funding for decades, this funding is only a sop.

We don’t need the premier holding an advertising sign in front of us, we need her to do her job. And even with this, she’s failing the needs of Surrey students.

Cary OMalley, Surrey

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Re: Better to bus than to build, May 20 letters.

The flippancy of John Bootsma’s letter shows so little understanding of the complexities and purposes of education. It shows no insights into the topic whatsoever – and yet your paper published it!

What convoluted logic! I am willing to bet you have a few letters protesting such a letter. I will also bet you won’t publish a retraction.

Donna Walker, White Rock




Peace Arch News