LETTERS: Real crisis

The past opinions of Fazil Mihlar, now in charge of the B.C. Climate Plan, made sense and I hope he continues to hold them.

The past opinions of Fazil Mihlar, now in charge of the B.C. Climate Plan, made sense and I hope he continues to hold them.

But it does not make sense for letter writers (Penticton Western News, April 1, Premier’s decisions boggles the mind) to claim that UN scientists have concluded “climate change is real,” as if that were a meaningful statement. Of course climate change is real. Climate has changed, at times far faster than today, since the atmosphere formed billions of years ago. We cannot stop it. The only constant about climate is change.

The Nongovernmental International Panel on Climate Change (NIPCC) list thousands of peer-reviewed references in leading science journals that debunk the climate scare.

All political leaders must use the NIPCC to demonstrate that today’s climate and weather are not extraordinary; there is no convincing evidence that human activity is causing significant global climate problems.

As a result of the unjustified belief that we know the future of climate and, even more outrageously, that humanity controls it, relatively little money is available to help the poor adapt to climate change today.

Of the roughly $1 billion spent every day across the world on climate finance, only six per cent is devoted to helping vulnerable societies adapt to climate change. The rest is dedicated to trying to stop climatic events that might someday happen.

That is the real climate crisis that should concern people.

Tom Harris

Executive Director, International Climate Science Coalition



Penticton Western News