Mixed reviews for Dianne Watts' message delivered to South Surrey-White Rock homes.

Mixed reviews for Dianne Watts' message delivered to South Surrey-White Rock homes.

LETTERS: Reality of fear

Letter writers speak out – pro and con – on Conservative candidate Dianne Watt's anti-terror flyer delivered to voters' homes.


Re: Watt’s terror warning ‘fearmongering’, Sept. 23; No plan to incite fear – Watts, Sept. 25.

I am the former Pacific Region director of enforcement for the Canada Border Security Agency.

I am also a supporter of Dianne Watts for MP for South Surrey-White Rock, in part out of concern for the security of Canadians, which is being properly addressed by Watts and by our Conservative government.

I hope my comments are not seen as fearmongering, as all references to the security of Canadians appear to be interpreted by the left.

I am concerned that Canadians do not recognize that we are under a real threat from terrorism in our country. Further, I am concerned about the recent reaction in my riding to the threat of terrorism in our country and the reaction to our military response to it overseas.

The terrorist threat is real. A Conservative government is the only one I see recognizing this threat and prepared to deal with it.

I did not like the way the fight-terrorism message was delivered in the recent Conservative HQ handout to our riding, but am more dismayed by the other two parties reactions to it and the political opportunism they are attempting to gain from it.

Just last week, another two persons in Canada have been convicted of terrorist acts by plotting to blow up a train. We have seen Canadian Forces members killed by terrorist acts and our Houses of Parliament attacked. We see individuals in Canada leave to join terrorist organizations overseas.

Why is it so politically incorrect to recognize there is a threat to Canadians by terrorists and acknowledge it as a priority to deal with the threat? I would rather have a federal government that openly recognizes this real terrorist threat and is prepared to make every effort to protect us and our country.

Terrorist threats to Canadians will only increase without a federal government that is committed to fight terrorism here and abroad.

Rob Johnston, Surrey

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An open letter to Dianne Watts.

As an admirer of your three terms as Surrey’s mayor, your bid to represent us in Ottawa was encouraging. It gave me hope that, unlike our current MP, you would be a strong voice advocating for our needs in Parliament.

After seeing your “jihad” flyer, though, I realized you’ve become just another mouthpiece for the Tory machine. Have you forgotten what really keeps us awake at night – things like education, health, transit and public safety? Let’s not forget affordable housing; if we can’t afford to live here, we won’t have a bedroom for a terrorist to lurk in.

Although I’m still undecided as to who I’ll cast my vote for on Oct. 19, your tasteless flyer has taken one of those choices off the list.

Anthony Manning, White Rock

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I did not receive the said flyer. Had I done so I would have applauded the government for taking this stance.

Rather than call it fearmongering, call it what it is, it is reality.

I found it reassuring that Diane Watts with our federal government is looking out for our best interests. Have we forgotten so soon what happened on the Hill?

If you “sympathize with the plight of Syrian refugees,” put yourself in their shoes and imagine that happening here. The picture of “smiling ISIS soldiers in their trucks” – didn’t that happen in Europe during the Second World War but with Hitler in control?

How short our memories are.

Merle MacDonald, Surrey

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When I opened my mailbox last week to find a flyer screaming “we will fight jihadist terrorist at home and abroad,” I honestly thought it was someone’s idea of a sick joke.

I then flipped it over to see Dianne Watts smiling from the other side of the paper. At that point, I realized it was no joke and, in fact, was more sad than sick.

Terrorism is a serious problem and, as such, requires a serious response, not bellicose political propaganda masquerading as strength. Canada is strong; however, our country is weakened by the playground politics reflected in this flyer.

First, the images threaten us with idle words from faceless terrorists, “you will not feel secure in your bedrooms.”

Next, they attempt to portray Thomas Mulcair and Justin Trudeau as feckless leaders with no plan to combat terrorism when, in fact, these leaders have more nuanced solutions to terrorism than those who conceived of this flyer would seem capable of understanding.

The Canadian military has a proud tradition, deservedly respected around the world, of responding with courage, intelligence and measured force to real security threats at home and abroad, in times of war and in times of peace.

This undignified flyer put out by Watts’ campaign is an affront to that tradition and to the intelligence of the Canadian electorate.

It is obvious that terrorists and those who conceived of this Conservative flyer both employ fear.

Terrorists are torturing and killing to spread fear and achieve their goals; the Conservatives behind this flyer are spreading that fear in order to win an election. How sad is that?

Stephen Crozier, White Rock

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Dianne Watts is quoted as saying the Conservative stance on intervention to defeat ISIS was instrumental in her decision to run for the Conservatives.

I suppose Watts happily supports the Harper government’s decision to sell military equipment to Saudi Arabia – rather conflicting policy if they expect to defeat ISIS.

But perhaps she does not know that it is the Saudi government’s export of Islamic Wahhabism that is the root of ISIS fundamentalism? That the Saudi government spends billions building mosques, madrasas and Sunni cultural centres across the Muslin world, including Nigeria. I can assure Watts that the Boko Haram does not include Canada in its imagined Caliphate.

And what is the purpose of all this massive investment – it is to spread its version of radical Sunni Islam – the Wahhabism that propels ISIS.

So Watts is happy to support the foreign policy of the Harper government, a militaristic gun seller.

I wonder if the voters of South Surrey want this type of Canada. Just maybe they want to return to the Blue Beret era when Canada counted in the world.

Beryl Kirk, Surrey

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I was pleased to see Liberal candidate Judy Higginbotham speak out about the fearmongering tactics of Dianne Watts as someone who would keep us more secure.

Indeed, there is much to be afraid of here in Surrey and everywhere. But all the stabbings, shootings and murders by criminals that Watts – and now the current mayor – have yet to suppress gives me concern about safety and the hypocrisy.

Bill Pavlik, Surrey

Letters not representative


Re: A campaign offensive hits home, Sept. 23 letters

I can’t believe all the venomous comments towards Dianne Watts’ flyer is an accurate representation of our community.

Not all Muslims are jihadists but all jihadists are Muslims.

What am I supposed to believe when I see video clips of jihadist decapitations with verbal warning our time is coming? We have 1,400 years of Muslim history, and every country they dominate has been subjugated to Sharia law which in turn has enslaved all non-Muslim residents of that country. Where are the moderate Muslims? We don’t hear or see any of them stand up in opposition to the Muslim jihadists.

And why aren’t the rich Muslim countries doing something more about the refugees they are creating?

Because, what we are witnessing is a covert Islamic program in their intention of subjugating the world to their ideology.

P. Bistritan, Surrey

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The five letter writers who criticized Conservative candidate, Dianne Watts, on the letters page of the Peach Arch News were like piranhas in a feeding frenzy.

They were complaining about a flyer which came to their door, and said it was meant to frighten readers into voting Conservative.

The flyer may have been upsetting to these sensitive letter writers, but it was the truth and sometimes the truth hurts. As Watts, who did not mean to be a fearmonger, said: terrorism is a real and serious issue and ISIS has clearly declared Canada as a target for terrorism.

A recent National Post photo showed these terrorists had live Muslim men hog tied and suspended on a horizontal pole over a trail of gas which they were going to light and roast their prisoners.

This brand of Islamic tyrants have to be fought because they are like a disease that spreads and kills anyone, including other Muslims who won’t accept their view of Islam.

L. Wright, Surrey

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I am a regular reader of your paper and I can’t help but notice the lack of balance in parts of your paper.

For example, in the letters to the editor the only letters you publish in A campaign offensive hits home are letters against Dianne Watts. These letters appear to be co-ordinated by opposing political parties, which is fine except you fail to publish letters on both sides of this issue.

There are always many sides to an issue, please try to ensure you represent opposing views in your paper.

Lorne Duthie, Surrey

Editor’s note: No pro-Watts letters on this topic were received prior to publication of the Sept. 23 edition.



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