LETTERS: Reasons to be thankful

Peace Arch News letter writers express appreciation.


I have many things to be thankful for, particularly that I am alive and not paralyzed.

I was enjoying a nice bike ride on Sept. 20, when I had an altercation with a car. The details aren’t important, but it is safe to say the car won. I will recover, but my bike won’t. On the upside, I am now the proud owner of a unicycle.

I want to thank all of the passersby who stopped to give me assistance. To the firefighters of Hall 12, thanks for keeping me safe and collecting the pieces of my bicycle. Thank you to my paramedics, Brent and Joe, for your care and lift to the hospital and much gratitude to my Peace Arch Hospital team of nurse Sarah and Dr. Lamprecht.

To the driver that hit me, I realize you didn’t see me, and it meant so much to me that you came to my hospital bed and apologized.

Lastly, I am thankful for my community and the good people that live and work here.

David Richardson, Langley

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The other morning I opened my door and was surprised to see a package that contained two beautiful and huge cherubs.

A note accompanied the package, from a stranger, that explained she – or he – no longer had room for the cherubs and hoped that I did.

I just wanted to say thank you to the wonderful and thoughtful person who has made my day, my week, my month…

In no time, these cherubs were hung adorning each side of an ornate mirror in our entry hall. I shall forever cherish this beautiful gift. Your cherubs will always have a home with me and seeing them fills my heart with warmth, remembering fondly their mysterious and exciting arrival.

Thank you!

Susan Strangway, White Rock

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I just spent one night in the emergency and two nights on the fifth floor at Peace Arch Hospital.

The nurses were wonderful. Excellent food, served with a smile. The whole staff was first rate and excellent doctors.

Thank you all.

Marjorie Hoogenraad, Surrey



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