LETTERS: Recent arrivals drive the call


I wish to address the issue of moving the train tracks (Rail safety – not relocation – on agenda, Feb. 24).


I wish to address the issue of moving the train tracks (Rail safety – not relocation – on agenda, Feb. 24).

I would like to ask the people who want the track moved just where they think it should be moved to?

Where could it be moved in this area that it would not impact a huge number of people?

And why should they have to deal with it, when the people who have moved to White Rock knew the tracks were there and have been there for a great many years?

White Rock was a beach community when I moved here almost 50 years ago. It became popular, and now the recent arrivals think that somebody else should have to deal with the tracks.

Sorry, but the tracks are not cutting across a road and holding up traffic, they are along a beach that you can still access if you just wait for the train to pass. Live with it!

Marilyn Hebert, Surrey



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