Letters: Reinstate buses

Families encourage to sign up at Albion elementary.

Editor, The News:

School District No. 42 recently invited families of children who use the school bus to get to school to register to try to get into Albion elementary.

It said some spaces had been opened up and parents could try and get their children accepted at Albion, even though many of the children have been at Webster’s Corners or Whonnock elementary since Kindergarten and don’t want to leave.

There are still new homes being built in the Albion catchment. When these homes are finished and families move in, there may not be room in Albion elementary (we are a few years away from a new Albion school) because the children who transferred to Albion are taking up spaces, all because the transportation for these same students was cancelled.

So, in the end, the families moving in next to Albion may not get into that school and will have to drive their children to either Webster’s Corners or Whonnock, nine kilometres away.

We need a school bus to transport kids who live in the rural areas, period.

We all know transit is not an option – the service in rural areas is almost non existent and TransLink has said there are no plans to improve it.

Re-direct financial resources for things that are less of a priority than our children. What higher priority is there?

Do the right thing – reinstate our buses.

Anita Brierley

Maple Ridge


Maple Ridge News