Letters: Report card check

This mayor and council seem to have difficulty in prioritizing between the needs of the residents and the wants of themselves.

After seeing the report card (Western News, Jan. 4 and 6 editions) mayor and council have given themselves, I couldn’t help but chuckle and wonder if a large bottle of airplane glue had been left open in the room where they sat down and rated themselves.

Basically B’s all across the board, with the exception of Tarik Sayeed, who rated himself at B-minus, Max Picton, who rated himself B-plus (seriously?), and Judy Sentes,who did not give herself a rating.(The I, for incomplete, was given to her by the editor of the Western News because she did not provide a grade).

I have decided to go back to my military days when we had to fill out what were called “personnel evaluation reports” once per year on all of our subordinates, and do my own evaluation based on certain criteria. The marks listed below pertain to both mayor and all councilors. The first five are where they are lacking; the remainder are areas in which they excel:

Listening skills F

Leadership skills F

Communications skills F (had to hire someone else to do it)

• Proper prioritization F

Effectiveness D

Ignoring their constituents A

Sucking up to developers  A

Overspending A

Making it difficult to open a business A

General comments: This mayor and council seem to have difficulty in prioritizing between the needs of the residents and the wants of themselves.

If I were a psychiatrist, I would have to diagnose a severe case of over inflated egos, coupled with a warped sense of self importance, with maybe a little ADD mixed in.

They seriously need to remove their craniums from their derrieres. I cannot give them a passing grade, as the average of their scores where they are deficient (F) is not sufficient to progress to the next level. Much improvement is needed overall.

Mark Billesberger




Penticton Western News