Letters: Rescind motion

New mayor needs to rescind motion to not listen to citizen's concerns

It is widely known in Sooke that Mayor Evans has blamed four individuals, including this writer, for driving up the district’s legal costs by questioning council’s decisions.

Her solution, as quoted in the Times Colonist of Oct. 13, went like this: “Council has finally decided that we’re no longer going to listen to what their legal opinion is and stick with our own.”

For her information, I will say that I have only had one legal opinion, and if given the funds could have made a successful court challenge!  Any other questions were my own.

One would assume this was a resolution passed in-camera, rather than in a public meeting where it would properly belong, if indeed it belongs anywhere.

If this decision seems insignificant to you, consider these facts: It is a decision which authorizes discrimination and bias, both of which are grounds for a legal challenge of any action taken by council; It is a decision based on an attitude of arrogance, superiority and entitlement, directed at four individuals today, and how many tomorrow? It is a decision which goes to the roots of the democratic right to participate and to be heard.  It is a decision which marks a shameful moment in our history.

My first request to the new mayor and councillors will be to rise and report on this matter, and to publicly rescind the motion.

Gail Hall


Sooke News Mirror