LETTERS: Right, no party has all wisdom

LETTERS: Right, no party has all wisdom

Editor: Re: Independents day needed, April 13 letters.


Re: Independents day needed, April 13 letters.

I couldn’t agree more with Merrill Muttart’s letter stressing the need for independent voices.

Opaque decisions made by our current council, despite citizen opposition, have made a farce of the democratic process.

However, if the other municipal “party” that Muttart refers to is Democracy Direct White Rock, I would like to point out we are not seeking “loyalty in running the show,” nor will we owe favours to special-interest groups. DDWR’s membership encompasses the political spectrum.

As Muttart says, no party has all the wisdom to decide the best way to run our city. That’s why if DDWR is entrusted with forming municipal government, our agenda of greater accountability and community-oriented development will be pursued by open, respectful dialogue between the community and council.

Anthony Manning, White Rock

Peace Arch News