Letters: Robbing Peter

Ignoring the courts of British Columbia is an affront to true democracy.

Editor, The News:

I have been a teacher since 1970 and I have witnessed the ups and downs concerning education first hand.

Ignoring the courts of British Columbia is an affront to true democracy. Ripping up a legal contract and underfunding education is despicable, to say the least.

Every day as a teacher, I have been on the front lines trying to do more and more with less and less. Our ‘grey area children’ used to be able to get the necessary help. Now we rob from Peter to pay Paul. I won’t even go into the behaviour problems that have escalated substantially.

Parents deserve more for their children. My grandchildren deserve more.

Every public school should be as good as a private one, and they can be with the proper funding. Class size and composition do matter.

Please do the right thing and give all British Columbian children the right to the best education this province can offer. Do not put yourself above the courts of this land. Stop wasting our tax money fighting what the courts have already decided twice. Instead, invest this money into our children, who are the future.

Janice Tupniak

Maple Ridge


Maple Ridge News