LETTERS: Ruling ignores public safety


Re: Accused Surrey terrorists freed, Aug. 3.


Re: Accused Surrey terrorists freed, Aug. 3.

The Aug. 3 Peace Arch News states that the accused Surrey terrorists who were freed were a victim of what the defence attorney called an RCMP-manufactured crime.

What PAN failed to inform readers is that Muslim converts John Nuttall and Amanda Korody didn’t have their hate manufactured by the RCMP; they told undercover officers of their mission to infiltrate a synagogue and kill “small Jews,” in reference to children, according to evidence presented at their trial.

The PAN also failed to inform readers that the conditions of their peace bond included geographical restrictions banning them from Synagogues, Jewish schools and Canadian Forces bases.

Given the fact the recent ISIS-inspired terror attack in France – in which a priest was beheaded – was committed by someone wearing an ankle bracelet to monitor their movements, releasing Nuttal and Korody into the community is reckless disregard to public safety.

Steven Feldman, Surrey



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