LETTERS: Safety trumps beautification


I am writing this letter because of a safety concern I have for the citizens of White Rock.


I am writing this letter because of a safety concern I have for the citizens of White Rock.

Unfortunately, the City of White Rock and others do not.

The northeast corner of Russell Avenue and Foster Street is a blind corner and is dangerous.

I am not sure if this property belongs to the city or the nearby apartment block there, however, the growth of trees and bushes has completely blocked the view of traffic coming down Foster. You have to move almost a full car length out into Foster to avoid having an accident.

I personally have almost been hit four or five times. I have been to the city works yard four times in the last year expressing my concerns, without any sign of this situation being rectified.

I live in a community where a good portion of the population does not have the reflexes we used to have. Do we wait until there is a fatality before taking action, or is a building’s beautification more important than a life?

David York, White Rock



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