Letters: Save our green space

John Phillips Memorial Park is Sooke's Stanley Park

I am also extremely concerned that the council is is considering allowing a bike skills park to be built on John Phillips Memorial Park.

Sooke missed out on a great opportunity to purchase the entire ALR property some years ago, and then later compounded its error by allowing a development company to re-zone more than half of the land to build wall-to-wall housing (on the back-burner for now, but clearly a future plan) with the pay-off that Sooke would be “given” parkland on the East side of the road.  Now even that is to be covered with trails, hazards, jumps and opened up to fast and risky cycling.

What would Vancouver be without Stanley Park, Victoria without Beacon Hill Park, New York without Central Park… and the list goes on.

Please have some vision for the future and preserve that remaining green space as the heart of our town.

Surely there must be other areas which would be more suitable for a bike park.

Anne Porter


Sooke News Mirror