LETTERS: Say no to BC Liberals in 2017

There are people who have expressed the point of view that Christy Clark is out to privatize education.

Reading today the views expressed by the chair of the District 63 (Saanich)  school board I wonder if anyone else is seriously worried about the state of public education in this province and its future. There are people who have expressed the point of view that Christy Clark is out to privatize education and do away with public education all together.

With family members involved in education I have seen the foul ups and introduction at great cost of teaching systems and measurement tools that just plain don’t work!

The numbers speak volumes.

The board finds $700,000 in administrative savings to use for education within the balanced budget mandate so the ministry claws that back and then charges 10 times more for a newly imposed system over what was there.

When does it end?

In May 2017 we have a chance to say no to this government’s agenda in public education. When will we, as taxpayers realize that education is critical to our future as a province and a country? There are no free lunches.

That is not to say that money should be spent willy nilly but I think most of us are smart enough to see the waste and excess this government sees as its entitlement.

Alex Currie, North Saanich

Peninsula News Review