LETTERS: Say no to bonus density in Sidney

I agree with a number of recent letters to the editor published in your newspaper.

I agree with a number of recent letters to the editor published in your newspaper. Many reflect the growing alarm about frequent and undesirable rezoning.

In order to get bonus density in many areas, properties require rezoning.  If the Town supports rezoning wherever they see fit, this can happen not just in our backyard but in anyone’s backyard in Sidney.

This current direction in town planning is making real estate investment in Sidney a higher risk than it should be. Come, retire, then spend months of your life fighting to preserve your real estate investment. Doesn’t sound like fun and guess what, it isn’t.

Anyone and everyone can see that the building being proposed on Fourth Avenue is way too high and massive in relation to the adjacent strata buildings and low profile residential neighbourhood. It doesn’t fit!  Nice building — wrong location.

The amenity contribution and the four additional units requiring bonus density and rezoning offer no significant benefit to the surrounding community.

I would urge all those concerned to write or email the mayor and councillors and also attend and speak at the public hearing, tentatively scheduled for Feb. 9. If we do not act to stop harmful municipal planning decisions now, we will end up with an over built, unattractive town. Say ‘no’ to bonus density.

Marjorie Johnson, Sidney

Peninsula News Review