Letters: ‘Scurrilous action’ by Liberals

Questions are raised as to the honesty of the provincial government

Mr. Roberts is completely right.

The government has been disingenuous at best, downright illegal at worst. That fiasco with the BCTF was not negotiation as practised by anyone but those who try do so by intimidation and provocation. It was Corleone-esque lacking only a severed horse’s head.

But why are we surprised? Hasn’t the government lied and cheated about everything from the cost of the Olympics to the sale of BC Rail, from BC Hydro to BC Ferries? From the Convention Centre to the Port Mann Bridge? Do any of you not think Liberals are somehow filling party coffers in underhanded ways?

Doesn’t the premier of this province send her son to private school? If she got ill, would she not attend a “special” clinic that quickly and effectively treated the high and mighty?

This is an elitist government that cares not an iota for the well-being of the people or the rich environment it is charged with protecting. That a judge finally recognized the governments scurrilous actions in that one small way is encouraging but too little and much too late.

The Liberals have already had their way with us for far too long.

J. David Cox


Sooke News Mirror