Letters: Secret-police Bill-C51 needs to be stopped

Dear Editor,

Bill C-51 is not something any Canadian could support, as it often will result in unsupervised power given to the secret police. They should be held fully accountable for their actions, and not infringe on the human rights of the public by being allowed to be cowboys in this humanitarian society.

As it is, too much leniency is given to regular police that have caused many internal investigations amongst their ranks, especially as to unauthorized and brutal conduct. We are supposed to be safe, and the police a benevolent body of crime regulation. 

There are many immigrants in Canada who left their countries of origin to live in a fair and just society. This bill is scary. It could create a void where injustice could result from a loophole in procedures.

What is at stake is that it may result in a police state. Corruption normally sets in where there are potentially grey  areas in justice conduct. 

Why is this so rushed, and why is Prime Minister Stephen Harper pushing so hard for it? 

Please speak up for those of us who fear and disagree with this. We want to feel safe and to know that societal decorum is based on the law, and that our freedom, if we are law-abiding, will remain intact. 

I encourage Canadians to learn more about how we can work together to stop Secret Police Bill C-51 at: StopC51.ca.

Annie Newton, Surrey

Langley Advance