Letters: Sharing the lights with others

Writer talks about the pleasure of seeing the Christmas lights

s leaving for work in the wee hours of the morning. Upon opening the door she found an envelope, an ornament,and a candycane.

Inside the envelope was a packet of hot chocolate and an unsigned letter containing the following comments on the lights we put up for the Christmas season.

“When I was a little girl, My Dad would pack us up in the car and take us out for a drive to look at Christmas lights.

“Afterwards we would have hot chocolate and talk about our favorite lights.

“It really is the one memory that means Christmas to me.

“I think seeing those lights put me in the Christmas spirit more than anything else, (even Santa!)

“I am so happy I can now continue that tradition with my children, because of the hard work of thoughtful good spirited people like yourself.

“Thank you for putting up such a beautiful display!

“It’s gorgeous!!”

To the mystery person who wrote the letter:

You made our day.

Thank you for taking the time to share your thoughts. If we have brought back just one memory from your past then we have accomplished our goal.

P.S. The ornament you left will find a home on our Christmas tree as a reminder of your kind words. Be sure to come by again, we’ve added a “few” more lights.

Thank you again.

Rick and Krista Morgan

Pineridge Place

Sooke News Mirror