LETTERS: Short-term gain, long-term loss


Having spent my childhood in White Rock and area, I understand its draw of beauty and pleasure.


Having spent my childhood in White Rock and area, I understand its draw of beauty and pleasure.

It was always a great city to enjoy.

At some point over the past few decades, the City of White Rock has become more to the likes of a tiger – nice from a distance, but you do not want to get too close.

With issues like parking problems; bylaws interpreted unfairly; property and commercial taxes at their limit… I’m not sure who would really care to live in White Rock.

Most disturbing is something that recently happened to me when I attended the arena for my son’s lacrosse. Of course, I came out to find I had been ticketed for violating the pay parking.

I had in fact bought a ticket, however my son placed it on our steering console – but in view.

Having proof of purchase in the form of paid tickets and credit card statements, the City of White Rock gave me the choice to pay now, or pay more later. Not able to make a court appearance, I had to pay.

So not only did they get my parking revenue, they also got my fine. I even know people who have been issued fines when walking from their cars to purchase a ticket.

Maybe aggressive tactics, as far as revenue, work in the short term. But I promise the money I paid in fines is a small portion of what I used to inject in restaurants and shops.

In the future, my money will be used somewhere less threatening.

Robert Tewson, Langley



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