

LETTERS: Singing praises of longtime food bank volunteer



Re: Longtime ‘boss’ retires from food bank, Oct. 29

While this is a great article showcasing this remarkable lady I have to say, having volunteered with her for about half of her time at the food bank, that this article just doesn’t go far enough.

Every year since I have known her, she has gone above and beyond any of her assigned volunteer duties in a very big way.

Year after year, she made and brought in to distribute to clients copious jars of applesauce that she had made from the apples on her own tree.

She also, year after year, grew tomato plants and brought them in to be distributed to clients.

Her years teaching were not lost either. As new volunteers came into the food bank, she took them under her wing to teach them the ‘proper’ way that things had to be done.

It’s not only the food bank who will sadly miss this remarkable lady but all of the staff and volunteers who had the pleasure of working with her and the clients who were lucky enough to have received one of her jars of applesauce or a tomato plant.

Noella Allisen, Surrey

Peace Arch News